Wednesday, August 3, 2011

IVF is addicting

Even Barbie's friend Midge can get prego in her plastic uterus. Stupid chick.

Please tell me how something so expensive and stressful can be SO addicting?!?!?!?!? It should be a crime to charge baby starved folks tons of money to have a baby.

Jason and I went to our adoption orientation and it was very eye opening to say the least. I am happy that we went because it answered a ton of questions. The amount of time, research and energy that it will take is more than we have to give right now. We just don't have the energy for both IVF and adoption. We are not ready to give up on biological babies just yet. For those of you who have done IVF or adoption, you know they take a 100% of your heart and soul. We would like to focus on IVF right now. I am not getting any younger over here. In no way shape or form have we closed the door to adoption. I just want a flipping baby in MY UTERUS JUST ONCE!!!! Just one little chubby Jen and Jason. That's all I ask.

I am considering using a new RE in Utah. Two of my dear friends have used Sandy Reproductive Center and both have nothing but great things to say about the clinic. My husband and I will be in Utah to see my family this Christmas so I think we will visit the clinic then. Hope to try IVF #2 early 2012.

Congrats to my dearest friend Jenny !!!!! The world is blessed to have you. I love and miss ya like crazy.


A womb for rent said...

I am so stinking excited about this I can hardly breath!!! I may have to make it hard for you t breath with bear hugs when you get here!!!! mwah!!!

Crossing My Fingers said...

That Barbie thing? Seriously??? I'm excited for you to go for #2!!! Love and miss you lady!

Anonymous said...

Hi there..totally new here but was reading back a bit and came upon the posts about your failed cycle. Have you considered Dr.She.r of the S.her Instit.ute at all? He's located in Vegas. I recently had a cycle in which I overstimmed. My E2 went over 10,000! But he didn't totally cancel my cycle. We were still able to retrieve and now have 6 frozen embies. We will be going for a frozen embryo transfer soon. Just a thought..since you're thinking of switching anyway. I imagine that after overstimming, you will be nervous it will happen again, or at least I know I will be. It feels calming to know that I see a dr that will try to do as much as is safely possible.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and best if luck to you!! I hope your dreams of baby come true very soon!